Executive Moving Concierge

Surprising Reasons to move to nova scotia

9 Surprising Reasons to Move to Nova Scotia [No One Will Deny]

I guess you are wondering are there any reasons to move to Nova Scotia? 

Well, let me ask do you love Islands or coastal environments, or oceans? Yes? Great! Nova Scotia is ready to surprise you by offering a province of around 3800 smaller islands in Nova Scotia. Awesome, eh?

Not only islands but other unique reasons also exist that can influence you to consider Nova Scotia. Less population, fishing harbors, the beauty of scallops, seafood like lobster, and much more!

For a lifetime or for a specific timeframe. I found these reasons for you & collected from gazillion.

Requesting you to share after knowing the surprising reasons for moving to Nova Scotia.

What a time to explore the reasons to move to Nova Scotia!

Let’s jump right in…

Table of content

  • Nova Scotia Province: Basic Information
  • 9 Surprising Reasons To Move To Nova Scotia
  • Where to live in Nova Scotia? Consider Pros & Cons of Halifax City
  • Conclusion


Nova Scotia Province: Basic Information

Nova Scotia – 2nd smallest province in Canada. Mostly, native English speakers live there. This province is located on the East coast of Canada, and the Atlantic Ocean surrounds the area.

Capital of Nova Scotia: Halifax [largest municipality in the province]

Official Language: English


Nova Scotia

Q3 2022 population estimates: 1M+ (According to Wikipedia)

Time Zone: Atlantic Standard Time Zone (AST). In addition, the time zone of Nova Scotia is 4 hrs behind Greenwich Mean Time (GST), 1 hr ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST), and 2 hours ahead of Central Time (CST).

AST = GMT- 4




9 Surprising Reasons To Move To Nova Scotia

1. Picturesque Landscape

Do you love picturesque landscapes?

You don’t need to worry about the opportunity to spend quality time with your loved ones in a picturesque landscape. There are so many locations out there in Nova Scotia like this.


2. A Safe place to live

Since the last few decades, the overall crime rate is in the decreasing trend for Nova Scotia as well as for all the provinces of Canada. And Halifax is the safest city in Nova Scotia.

With a blink of an eye, you can rate Halifax as 5 stars for the point “Safe place to live.”


3. Awesome public transport facility


Private air charter?



Car, Motorcycle, Bus, Taxi, Ride Shares, Bicycle, or dedicated two feet road?

Nova Scotia is positive with mentioned all the options. I hope you will not find any issues with the transport systems in the main cities of this province.

But you must remember that NS is a province of islands. So, there are islands available where you need to use the only transport system like a ferry, speed boat, or mechanized boat.


4. Easy to Maintain Work-Life Balance & Expense Management: Low Living Cost & Housing Price

Affordable living costs and housing prices are the reasons behind choosing Nova Scotia by many people. It offers low living costs compare to other provinces in Canada.

Based on the Trading Economics report, Canada’s annual inflation rate was 6.9% (October 2022). That is why we considered the current inflation rate to create the following living cost table for the residents of Nova Scotia. The following living cost is quite compatible for 2023 as well.

In Nova Scotia, the highest population live in the Halifax area. The following table shows the average monthly costs for 1 person, a couple, one child family, and 2 children family in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Table 2: Average monthly living cost in Nova Scotia


1 person

2-person (Couple) family

3-person (1 child family)

4-person (2 children family)

Housing cost

$1500 – 1650

$1600 – 1900

$1700 – 2100

$2200 – 2350

Food cost

$450 – 600

$690 – 750


$1400 – 1600


$150 – 200

$525 – 550

$525 – 550

$525 – 550


$800 – 900

$1600 – 1800


$2100 – 2450

$2815 – 3200

$4025 – 4750

$5725 – 6300

*Note: All costs are in CAD $

However, other cities like Sydney, Dartmouth, Yarmouth, Truro, or Windsor may have lower living costs than Halifax.

The average housing price is $479,600 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

2022 update: Halifax house prices are up 7.4% (November 2022) compared to (November 2021).

Living in that province is comfortable if your income after tax is enough to meet the expenses in any province in Canada. When you consider Nova Scotia, it is ridiculously easy. So, keep smiling.


5. Climate, Weather, Air Quality Index of Nova Scotia: Mid-Temperate Zone of Canada

The Continental climate is the weather type of Nova scotia. It is a mid-temperate zone of Canada.

Warmest Month of Nova Scotia: August.

Coldest Month of Nova Scotia: January.

Table 2: According to Living In Canada, climate, and weather of Nova Scotia:


Avg. Daily Temp

Avg. Rainy Days

Avg. Days of Snowfall

Avg. Depth of


Jan – Apr

(-9 to 8)°C or (15 to 46)°F

8-13 days

2-6 days

0-9 cm

May – Aug

5 to 23 °C or (41 to 73)°F

10-14 days

0 day

0 cm

Sep – Dec

-5 to 19 °C or (23 to 66)°F

11-14 days

0-5 days

0-3 cm

Check the temperature ranges on the map.

Table 3: Air Quality Health Index of Nova Scotia-

Risk level


Nova Scotia Air Quality Health Index

Low Risk





(Low Risk)

Moderate Risk


High Risk


Very High Risk



6. Education System Has Flexible Options

Nova Scotia has 7 English Language regional centers & 1 French first-language school board.

Want to see the details on the map? Click here: Nova Scotia Directory of Public Schools.

According to the Official immigration website of the Government of Nova Scotia, there are 3 types of education systems available in Nova Scotia. These are as follows –

1. Public Schools

  • Primarily Nova Scotia residents are enrolled in public schools.
  • Elementary Schools (Grades 1-6), Junior High Schools (Grades 7-9), and High Schools (Grades 10-12).
  • Operational hours: 5 hours/day
  • Time: It varies from school to school and at different levels.

2. Home Schooling

  • Without a doubt, homeschooling is legal in Nova Scotia. So, parents have this option as well.
  • Parents can follow approved course curricula and programs for homeschooling.

3. Adult Education

Another option is Adult Education, which Nova Scotia School supports for Adult Learning (NSSAL).

NSSAL provides –

  • Funding
  • Community-Based Organizations
  • Regional School Board
  • Nova Scotia Community College
  • Collège De L’acadie.

Levels: Elementary through high school.

More resources for you if you just started your research about education in Nova Scotia –

New in Nova Scotia? Or planning to move to Nova Scotia? Read: Newcomers’ Guide to Nova Scotia Schools.

Want a resource to research the basic information of colleges & universities in Nova Scotia? Here it is, Study Nova Scotia.

FAQs on going to school in Nova Scotia.


7. Bay, Lakes & Ocean Are Common in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia is a maritime province or coastal province of Canada. Accessibility to several lakes and the Atlantic Ocean is easy-peasy for Nova Scotians.


Bay, Lakes & Ocean Are Common in Nova Scotia

Bay of Fundy, St Margarets Bay, Pockwock Lake, Sherbrooke Lake, Panuke Lake, Falls Lake, and so on….

So, the list is long enough to offer you more options. You just need to explore those idyllic & beautiful spots with fresh air with your loved one.


8. Nova Scotia is A Seafood Lover's Paradise

Halifax and Seafood are almost synonymous when you are a resident of Nova Scotia.

Why so special? Because you will get delicious food such as fresh salmon or Digby scallops at low prices. Additionally, you will get seafood restaurants over there. So, quality family time or hanging out with friends is easy. Isn’t it?


9. More Freedom for Nova Scotians

Nova scotia is a sub-urban type area across the whole province. There are fewer restrictions even in the peak of Covid 19 era.

Metropolitan cities are populated, congested, and busy all the time with limited space. But, for Nova Scotians, open & wider spaces of the landscapes offer that feel – You have more freedom.

Question: Love open spaces?

Answer: Move to Nova Scotia. 🛩️


Where to live in Nova Scotia? Consider Pros & Cons of Halifax City

If you like to live in a densely populated area, consider Halifax, Sydney, Dartmouth, Truro, New Glasgow, and Cole Harbour. If not, consider Antigonish, Springhill, Windsor, Pictou, or Port Hawkesbury, because they are quite mid-level and densely populated.

Do you like open Spaces and rural or least populated areas? Beautiful roads with extraordinary natural scenery? Consider these cities – Chester, Parrsboro, Oxford, and Hantsport. I’m sure that you will love it.


Pros & Cons of Halifax City

Should you move to Halifax?

In Nova Scotia, Halifax is the largest & around 10 times bigger than other cities. Almost half (43%) of the residents of Nova Scotians live in Halifax.

Pros –

  • Colorful stunning city 🏔️
  • Traffic signal: A BIG NO 👏
  • Low Crime Rate 👍
  • Halifax has more job opportunities compared to other cities in Nova Scotia 💲💲💲
  • Lot of things to do in the city, including outdoor activities 🏅
  • Cheap housing with all the resources 🏠
  • The business hub of Nova Scotia 🛒
  • Transportation is better than in other cities of Nova Scotia 🚗

Cons –

  • Lower wages and job opportunities compared to other provinces 👎
  • High tax rate compared to income
  • The difficulty of finding good healthcare
  • Mice, bedbugs, and cockroaches are another issue of Halifax houses

All the important places are nearby. Driving time required to places (From Halifax city) –

To Halifax Shopping Centre

Driving Distance: 4.8 km, Duration: 10 minutes

To Airport (Airport, Nova Scotia)

Driving Distance: 34.5 km, Duration: 28 minutes

To Brightwood Golf & Country Club

Driving Distance: 4.8 km, Duration: 9 minutes

To Halifax Public Gardens

Driving Distance: 1.3 km, Duration: 4 minutes

To bus or rail station

Driving Distance: 1-1.4 km, Duration: 5 minutes

Read other articles:



So there you have it – 9 reasons to move to Nova Scotia.

Also, as a well-wisher, I want to tell you that if you love to live in an urban or suburban area, a coastal area, or a natural environment around you, then choose Nova Scotia without any doubt. Many reasons out there will influence your interest in Nova Scotia Province that are not mentioned here.

Now, select a city you like most in Nova Scotia, Canada. It could be Halifax or another one. You will be loved by the province, nature, and its friendly people. Create a detailed plan and checklist before moving to NS, Canada.

Want to learn more about moving tips and tricks? Visit Executive Moving Blogs.

Best of luck with your new home in Nova Scotia.



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