Executive Moving Concierge

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How to Stay Organized During the Moving Process

Moving is a stressful time for everyone, but it can be especially hard when moving as a family. Take a look at our list of tips for staying organized during the moving process.

Make a list of pros and cons

Before you even begin to think about packing, it’s important to ask yourself questions about why you want to move in the first place. Are you moving for a job? An education opportunity? To be closer to family?

This can be a tough conversation, but make sure everyone in your household is on the same page with what their goals are and what they stand to gain from moving. Your partner may have different ideas than you do, so make sure they’re represented in this conversation as well.

During the moving process, and even before it, you should create a list of pros and cons for each option (or “relocation portfolio,” if you will). This will help everyone see all sides of the issue before making any decisions about where we’ll be living next year!


a person folding clothes, staying organized during the moving process

Research your new suburb

It’s a good idea to use the internet to research your new suburb. Google Maps and Street View are great for getting a sense of what the area will be like, as well as how long it takes to get from one place to another. If there’s a business you want to check out, Google can help you find their website and Facebook page too! You can also search for local newspapers and government websites that may have information about schools or other businesses in your area.


Start packing early

It’s important to start packing early. You can’t pack everything at once, so the first step is to get started with one area of your home and then move on to another.

Packing as you go allows you to think about what items are worth taking with you and what items can stay behind. It also allows you to make sure that any important documents are packed up safely so they won’t get lost or damaged in transit. If there are valuables in your home, it may be helpful to have them appraised before moving so that they’re covered by insurance during the process of moving out of one location and into another.


Let professionals handle the heavy lifting

During the moving process, take a moment to think about the best way to transport your belongings. If you are moving locally in Greater Toronto Area, consider hiring professional movers. For moving heavy and bulky inventory, you can always find pros that can handle it. Movers are trained to move large objects and will be much more efficient than trying to do it yourself.


a dog in a moving box

On the other hand, if you have fragile items (like glassware or artwork), it’s always better to pack these yourself. That way, you can ensure they’ll be safe during the move and know exactly where they are once everything has been unpacked at your new home.


Label each moving box

This is probably one of the most important things to remember when it comes to staying organized during your move. Once you find the essential moving supplies like boxes, labeling will help you pack and unpack more easily.

Labeling boxes and crates will help you find what you need when it’s time to unpack, so make sure you use colorful labels and make them fun! The option is yours—you can use a label maker if you want, but permanent markers work just as well too.

If none of those options works for you, try using dry-erase markers instead! They’re great because they won’t fade away over time like regular ones do (but don’t write on wood furniture).


Pack an “open first” box or bag

To make sure you don’t forget any essential items, pack an “open first” box or bag. This is a special container with items you want to unpack first – the ones that have to be accessible right away.

Maybe this is your phone, computer, and other electronics. Or maybe it’s toiletries and medications, documents or paperwork (such as tax returns). Whatever the case, whatever is most important to unpack first should go in this container so you can get started on your day-to-day tasks without delay.


people traveling by car

Labeling this box with a label like “Open First” will help remind you of its purpose when unpacking all those boxes later on. Once these things are out of their original packaging, consider putting them into another container or bag labeled “Finished Unpacking” and place it onto the floor near where they were originally stored before moving day began. When everything else has been unpacked from their boxes and bags, take that final step. Put all of your belongings back into this storage area for easy access during each future transition.


Stay organized during the moving process

Before you start planning your moving day, keep in mind the following tips:

  • Make a to-do list, do your research and calculate your moving costs in advance
  • Don’t forget about all those essential items that you need to carry with you, like medication and toiletries
  • Label your boxes. It will save time when it comes time for unpacking and help prevent confusion if one of your boxes gets lost in transit
  • Hire professional movers. They will save you a lot of trouble on your moving day
  • Pack an “open first” box. This box should include things like plates and cups so that when you arrive at your new place, there’s no need to run out and buy everything new right away. Just open up this box and get started cooking some delicious meals



Hopefully, we’ve given you some useful tips on how to stay organized during the moving process. We know what it feels like to be stressed out and overwhelmed by the moving process! But just take it one step at a time, follow our tips and tricks, and you’ll be living in your new home in no time.


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